When you call your retreat a re-wilding experience, be prepared for what you ask for. The moment we walked onto the Tulili Retreat Center 20 minutes into the dense Mayan jungles, we knew we were in the perfect location. A spacious, yet quaint property held so perfectly among the trees + wild nature, far away from the city noise, created a safe container to hold the magic of what was to unfold the week to come.
We were joined by 17 women coming from all walks of life and ranging in ages 21-60. Having had personal conversations + group meetings prior to the start of the retreat, I already knew who would be coming into the space + the intentions that were being created.

As a facilitator who has lead and taught at many past retreats, it's always a wonder as to how the group dynamic will unfold. This one was no different considering how diverse the women coming in were. The one commonality was the shared story that each woman had felt a strong 'yes' in their gut when reading the retreat description + the desired intention to evolving themselves as sexual, sensual beings.

Over the course of the week, the women were challenged with meeting layers of who they were + who they've fought to reject throughout their lifetime. Each morning started with a different pleasure meditation + yoga class that helped the women to drop back into their bodies, become aware of the sensations, + recondition ourselves to receiving pleasure. Each midday followed with the intellectual discussions + practices grounding the experiencial practices so the women knew the what + why of everything we did. Discussions focused around pleasure potential, vocal activation through communication + song, creating our own erotic maps, and the power of archetypes in daily life so we could best express our own brand of sexy.

Afternoons included cultural excursions into the cenotes (underwater caves) and the Mayan ruins of Tulum, as a way to connect us with the land who held us. It was an incredible experience snorkeling in the underwater caves and feeling the incredible pleasure of being below the earth exploring the layers of gorgeous caverns of water. Then when evening came, we'd put our lessons into practice with cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance journeys, breathwork + soundbaths, song vocal activation. The layout of the retreat was designed to build upon one another in bringing the women into different stages of release from tension, rigidity, and old patterns preventing them from being their most authentic, empowered, sexual self.
On the final evening of the retreat, we took the women out to a full moon party not only as a celebration, but as an opportunity to fully embody + apply everything that they learned over the course of the week about being connected to their body's own radiance + power. Some of the women got to meet parts of themselves they've never met before while others met parts of themselves that they had struggled with for years. All of it experienced in the safe container of sisterhood, where at the end of the eve were still received with love and open arms.

It always amazes me to witness a group of women from all different age cohorts + backgrounds coming together to alchemize the most delicious bond + experience. Each of them provided the exact medicine for her fellow sisters to feel safe enough to surrender, be authentic, + up-level from the space she had been operating from for so long. Retreats are a unique + incredible opportunity for rapid growth, as multiple modalities are brought together in a condensed session designed for breakdowns + breakthroughs while being held in witness + support by others on the same journey.
I'm so honored + thrilled to be creating + holding these experiences, witnessing what then arises. I can't wait to see what 2020 brings us as we start on our calendar for the coming year.
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